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New Module
- NaviPartner Retail Voucher
- Embedded Videos in NAV
New Feature
- Inventory management > Using Item Worksheet
- SensorMedia Mini POS
- mPOS return amount popup after posting is completed
- Possible to schedule (with NAS) downloads of new Control Addins
- Report to show Pre/Post paid tickets
- Event Mgt: Possible to only show starting day if its a multiday event
- Event Mgt: Statistics
- Manual Credit Card available in Transcendence
- Arabic characters supported on receipt printing
- Normal “drop down” functionality added on NP Attributes
- mPOS EFT print
- Transcendence: Search function extended to also include item descriptions in results
- Variety Matrix can be setup to carry Location Filter when opened from Document Lines
- Discount Coupon Time Validation can now be defined on Weekday
- Transcendence: When updating parameters on POS Buttons, it will keep the current settings
- Set Client Attribute Filter Action added to Retail Item List
- Transcendence: Automatic POS lock screen after x seconds
- Restaurant Menu added in Menu suite
- HQ Connector – possible to send audit roll transactions to other database
Minor Change
- Event M; need to be able to change customer
- Currency on POS Header
- Transcendence: Improved EFT result validation
- Cognitive Services made ready for extension
- Register information for POS print
- Added field Sales (Qty.) to Retail Item card, so its possible to see eg today’s sale
- Epson 58mm support
- LCY code added to the subtotal in the pos (Will then be eg SUBTOTAL DKK)
- Project “Poseidon” name changed to “Advanced posting”
- Customer Name Added to Parked sales
- Exchange label – seperate prints when using ‘All’
- Advanced Posting: Possible to compare Audit roll and advanced posting
- Advanced Posting: expand and test compression options
- Posted Discount Coupon renamed to Archived Discount Coupon
- How-to Videos Action added to Discount Coupon Type and -Setup
- Preparing for new currency options for “Giving Change”
- More Role Center updates. Added several relevant pages to role center “Sales Person”
- POS Action Zoom page changed to cardtype
- Advanced posting: Item tracking
- Navigation added to POS Entries
- Create Posting Setup with POS Payment Method
- Advanced Posting: Payment to Invoice
Performance Optimization
- Control add-ins distribution from Central database (Stargate packages)
- Balance register in “Correct transcendence” version (Async version)
- More recoding of “Old danish code” – replaced with English names
- Transcendence stargate updates
- Sale on Item Group removed
- Cleanup of old code
Error Correction
- NPDeploy clients robust against missing tables
- Sometimes Assemblies got locked, which in rare cases made the NST crash
- Changed POS Unit Identity to resolve duplicate MaschineGuids based on hostname
- A couple of texts constants was translated, and caused Major Tom to crash. Replaced text constants with Hardcoded values
- If there is an error in the MPos, and a payment had been registered, it could end in an error loop, impossible to break
- Transcendence date input interpreted differently
- More Text Constants that potentially could make Major Tom Crash, changed to hardcoding
- Print Issue with Discount Coupons fixed
- Changed functionality of Assembly Resolver to avoid NST crashes
- Line No. on Transcendene Payment Lines were in some cases not initiated properly
- Error when doing a calculation in stock-take module fixed
- Sub total rounding issue under special discount conditions (eg. 3 lines with same base amount sold for a total of 10 Euro)
- Overflow error on Item Worksheet field Meta Title
- Dankort terminal error. Race condition fixed in DLL.
- Giftcards could cause an error if it was inserted “At a wrong time”
- Customer specific discounts cached incorrectly